Led By Paul Ernest Mamvura Mwazha of Africa
The African Apostolic Church
Led by Paul Mwazha of Africa
One day we were travelling with church members by open lorry on our way back from the Easter day prayers at Mudanda, Buhera. We neared Murambinda bridge and before we crossed the bridge'; voice from above us said to me, “The African Apostolic Church,” VaApostora VeAfrica. – Paul Ernest Mamvura Mwazha (Leader of The African Apostolic Church)
Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments
About Us
One day we were travelling with church members by open lorry on our way back from the Easter day prayers at Mudanda, Buhera. We neared Murambinda bridge and before we crossed the bridge'; voice from above us said to me, “The African Apostolic Church,” VaApostora VeAfrica. – Paul Ernest Mamvura Mwazha (Leader of The African Apostolic Church).
Our Prayers Services
Gatherings are on Tuesdays and Fridays for all from 17:30 - 19:00. Sabbath gathering is every Saturday from 10:30 - 15:00. Women only gatherings are every Thursday from 10:00 - 12:00
Ten Commandments
The Ten Coomandments are read at each and every gathering from Exodus 20 vs 1-17
The Church observes the Sabbath on Saturday. The Sabbath starts on Friday at sunset until Saturday sunset.
Church Literature
Church Literature can be ordered from Moffat@OurAfrica.net
Testimonies can be read under posts

The African Apostolic Church Latest News

Tiende kudenga tinoona mavanga mumaoko ake – Paul Mwazha
Tiende kudenga tinoona mavanga mumaoko ake Vanokumbira vanopihwa, vanotsvaga vanowana, vachitenda kuti Jesu ndiye Ishe wavo Wasara kudenga kunoona mavanga mumaoko ake

God’s Commandments | What Does The Bible Say?
but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. [Exodus 20:6] For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. [1 John 5:3] “You shall therefore love the Lord your God and keep his […]

Wakasika Zvose Zvinhu (Hymn 10)
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Kudza Jehovah Mukuru (Hymn 160)
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“Who can we commission, who can go on our behalf?”
At the end of the year, in 1951 I heard a voice in my sleep saying “Who can we commission, who can go on our behalf?” I went to Rev Chidarikire early in the morning and related to him this relevation. He said to me “A, I imagine it has […]

The Angel of Africa visits eMba
One of the members of the African Apostolic Church, Rev Daniel Magaragada, said his wife died in 1996 but was resurrected after Mr Mwazha had prayed for her. Source: http://ridgetimes.co.za/47983/the-angel-of-god-visits-emba/ eMBALENHLE – A multitude of African Apostolic Church members gathered at the Thomas Nhlabathi High School on 21 November. The […]

Basa rakafanira kuitwa – Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church
Nyika ino ichatongwa – Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church Basa rakafanira kuitwa kuparidza kukosha kwezita raJesu!

Tidzidzisei Mudzidzisi – Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church 2015
Tidzidzisei Mudzidzisi – Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church 2015

Jesu Wauya. Zvichabuda pachena zvamunovanza | Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church 2015
Jesu Wauya. Zvichabuda pachena zvamunovanza | Paul Mwazha | The African Apostolic Church 2015 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open – Luke 8:17 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, […]

Ini ndadzoka kwamuri Baba – Luke 15:11-32
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